序號 No. |
注冊編號Approval No. |
企業(yè)名稱 Name of Plant |
企業(yè)地址 Address of Plant |
生產(chǎn)方式 Act i vi t i es |
注冊品種 Products for Approval |
1 |
13 |
Bajada Saladillo S/N°-Villa Gdor. Galvez-Rosario(2124) Santa Fe |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
剔骨牛肉 |
2 |
249 |
Lisandro de la Torre N° 810-Nelson (3032) Santa Fe |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
剔骨牛肉 |
3 |
350 |
Rasic Hnos S.A. |
Estancia Los Remedios N° 2701-EI Jaguel (1842) Buenos Aires |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
禽肉及其可食用副產(chǎn)品 |
4 |
1014 |
Quickfood S. A. |
Av. Ortiz 2653-San Jorge (2451) Santa Fe |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
剔骨牛肉 |
5 |
1113 |
Pringles y Europa-Villa Mercedes (5730) San Luis |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
剔骨牛肉 |
6 |
1130 |
FrigoríficoPaladini S.A. |
Piazza 63-Villa Galvez(2124) Santa Fe |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
剔骨牛肉 |
7 |
1304 |
Rasic Hnos S.A. |
Las Acacias N°1076 entre Los Troncos y EI Volcan-La Union (1904) Buenous Aires |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
禽肉及其可食用副產(chǎn)品 |
8 |
1310 |
AvicolaCapitan Sarmiento S.A. |
Ruta Nacional N° 8- Km.143,5-Capitan Sarmiento (2752) Buenous Aires |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
禽肉及其可食用副產(chǎn)品 |
9 |
1325 |
Frigorifico Entrerriano de Productores Avicolas S.A. (F.E.P.A.S.A.) |
Ruta 14 (Viejo trazado)-Km.319-Concepcion del Uruguay (3260)Entre Rios |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
禽肉及其可食用副產(chǎn)品 |
10 |
1352 |
Frigorifico Lafayette S.A. |
Ruta 210-Km.46,5-Alejandro Korn (1864) Buenos Aires |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
剔骨牛肉 |
11 |
1399 |
Rafaela Alimentos S.A. |
Ruta 33-Km.744- Casilda (2170) Santa Fe |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
剔骨牛肉 |
12 |
1550 |
Frigo Tres S.A. |
Avenida Chacabuco 563-Lincoln (6070) Buenos Aires |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
禽肉及其可食用副產(chǎn)品 |
13 |
1610 |
Granja Tres Arroyos S.A. |
Con.al Mat.Municipal-Concepcion del Uruguay (3260) Entre Rios |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
禽肉及其可食用副產(chǎn)品 |
14 |
1621 |
Prosavic S.R.L. |
Ruta 24-Parada Stefanl-Moreno (1744) Buenos Aires |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
禽肉及其可食用副產(chǎn)品 |
15 |
1631 |
Domvi l S.A.I.C.A. |
Route Prov.16-Km.32-Larroque (2854) Entre Rios |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
禽肉及其可食用副產(chǎn)品 |
16 |
1646 |
Pollolin S.A. |
San Luis-Cno. a Ferri Km.5- Cipoletti (8324) Rio Negro |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
禽肉及其可食用副產(chǎn)品 |
17 |
1683 |
Industrializadora S.A. |
Dr. Luis Cettour 1370-San Jose(3283) Entre Rios |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
禽肉及其可食用副產(chǎn)品 |
18 |
1774 |
Frigorifico de Aves Soychu S.A.I.C.F.I. y A. |
Avda. Pre. Peron 1273-Gualeguay (2840) Entre Rios |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
禽肉及其可食用副產(chǎn)品 |
19 |
1920 |
Frigorífico Rioplatense S.A.I.C.I.F. |
Avda. de Los Constituyentes-Ruta 9-Km.32,5-Gral. Pacheco (1617) Buenos Aires |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
剔骨牛肉 |
20 |
1930 |
Av. Mitre 2816-San Jos é (3283) Entre Rios |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
剔骨牛肉 |
21 |
1970 |
Regional Industrias Alimenticias Reconquista S.A.(Friar) |
Boulevard H. Irigoyen 298-Reconquista (3560) Santa Fe |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
剔骨牛肉 |
22 |
1989 |
Mattievich S.A. |
Lamadrid N°300 Bis Esquina Pedernera-Rosario (2000) Santa Fe |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
剔骨牛肉 |
23 |
2025 |
Frigorifico Gorina S.A.I.C |
Calle 501 S/N° e/156 y 157-Gorina (1896) Buenos Aires |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
剔骨牛肉 |
24 |
2035 |
Ruta 8-Km.302-Hughes (2725) Santa Fe |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
剔骨牛肉 |
25 |
2082 |
Arre Beef S.A. |
Rio Parana 901-Perez Millan (2933) Buenos Aires |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
剔骨牛肉 |
26 |
2091 |
Mattievich S.A. |
Ruta 11 y 175-Km. 334-Pto.Gral.San Martin (2202) Santa Fe |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
剔骨牛肉 |
27 |
2589 |
Las Camelias S.A. |
Ruta 26-Km.5-Conceaion N°363-San Jose (3283) Entre Rios |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
禽肉及其可食用副產(chǎn)品 |
28 |
3811 |
C. Ali S.A. Complejo Alimentario S.A. |
Ejido Gobernador General Racedo-Diamant-Crespo (3116) Entre Rios |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
禽肉及其可食用副產(chǎn)品 |
29 |
3976 |
Supermercados Toledo S.A. |
Calle 5 entre 6/8-Parque Industrial Gral. Manuel Savio-Mar del Plata (7600) Buenos Aires |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
禽肉及其可食用副產(chǎn)品 |
30 |
4069 |
Logros S. A. |
Camino San José entre Ruta Nacional N°9 y Autopista Pilar -Rio Segundo (5960) Có rdoba |
屠宰,分割及冷庫 Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant,Cold store |
剔骨牛肉 |
31 |
4073 |
La Ganadera Arenales S.A. |
Arenales 2001-Monte Grande (1842) Pcia. De Buenos Aires |
屠宰、分割及冷庫 Slaughter,Cutting plant and Cold store |
剔骨牛肉 |
32 |
4491 |
Avex S.A. |
Ruta 8 Km. 586 Rio Cuarto-Cordoba-Argentina |
屠宰、分割及冷庫 Slaughter,Cutting plant and Cold store |
雞肉及其可食用副產(chǎn)品 |
33 |
4641 |
Juan B.Alberdi 1850-Correa-Santa Fe |
冷庫Cold store |
剔骨牛肉 |
34 |
4720 |
Frigorifico Forres Beltran S.A. |
Ruta Nacional No.34 Km, 698,5 Forres CP(4312) Santiago del Estero |
屠宰、分割及冷庫 Slaughter,Cutting plant and Cold store |
剔骨牛肉 |
傳 真:0579-85175798
地 址:浙江省義烏市福田街道中福廣場6號樓1803室